Daridra Dahan Shiv Stotra is a hymn in praise of Lord Shiva. The hymn was composed by sage Vasistha who is one of the Saptarishis.
To get the grace of the Lord Shiva the devotees read the hymn as the offering to Lord Shiva, pleasing him he will remove your problems. The article will walk you through the benefit and the significance of the hymn for devotees.

Daridra Dahan Shiv Stotra
- No. of Pages : 6 Pages
- PDF Size : 453 KB
- Language : Hindi
Daridra dahan shiv stotra
vishveshvaraya narakarnava taranaya
karnamrutaya shashishekhara dharanaya |
karpurakantidhavalaya jatadharaya
daridrya duhkhadahanaya namah shivaya || 1 ||
gauripriyaya rajanishakaladharaya
kalantakaya bhujagadhipankanaya |
gangadharaya gajarajavimardanaya
daridrya dukhadahanaya namah shivaya || 2 ||
bhaktipriyaya bhavarogabhayapahaya
ugraya durgabhavasagarataranaya |
jyotirmayaya gunanamasunutyakaya
daridrya duhkha dahanaya namah shivaya || 3 ||
charmambaraya shavabhasmavilepanaya
bhalekshanaya manikundala manditaya |
manjirapadayugalaya jatadharaya
daridrya duhka dahanaya namah shivaya || 4 ||
panchananaya phaniraja vibhushanaya
hemamshukaya bhuvanatrayamanditaya |
anandabhumivaradaya tamomayaya
daridrya duhka dahanaya namah shivaya || 5 ||
bhanupriyaya bhavasagarataranaya
kalantakaya kamalasanapujitaya |
netratrayaya shubhalakshana lakshitaya
daridrya duhka dahanaya namah shivaya || 6 ||
दारिद्र्य दहन शिवस्तोत्रं
विश्वेश्वराय नरकार्णव तारणाय
कणामृताय शशिशेखरधारणाय ।
कर्पूरकान्तिधवलाय जटाधराय
दारिद्र्य दुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥१॥
गौरीप्रियाय रजनीशकलाधराय
कालान्तकाय भुजगाधिपकङ्कणाय ।
गंगाधराय गजराजविमर्दनाय
दारिद्र्य दुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥२॥
भक्तिप्रियाय भवरोगभयापहाय
उग्राय दुर्गभवसागरतारणाय ।
ज्योतिर्मयाय गुणनामसुनृत्यकाय
दारिद्र्य दुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥३॥
चर्मम्बराय शवभस्मविलेपनाय
भालेक्षणाय मणिकुण्डलमण्डिताय ।
मंझीरपादयुगलाय जटाधराय
दारिद्र्य दुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥४॥
पञ्चाननाय फणिराजविभूषणाय
हेमांशुकाय भुवनत्रयमण्डिताय ।
आनन्दभूमिवरदाय तमोमयाय
दारिद्र्य दुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥५॥
भानुप्रियाय भवसागरतारणाय
कालान्तकाय कमलासनपूजिताय ।
नेत्रत्रयाय शुभलक्षण लक्षिताय
दारिद्र्य दुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥६॥
रामप्रियाय रघुनाथवरप्रदाय
नागप्रियाय नरकार्णवतारणाय ।
पुण्येषु पुण्यभरिताय सुरार्चिताय
दारिद्र्य दुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥७॥
मुक्तेश्वराय फलदाय गणेश्वराय
गीतप्रियाय वृषभेश्वरवाहनाय ।
मातङ्गचर्मवसनाय महेश्वराय
दारिद्र्य दुःखदहनाय नमः शिवाय ॥८॥
वसिष्ठेन कृतं स्तोत्रं सर्वरोगनिवारणं।
सर्वसंपत्करं शीघ्रं पुत्रपौत्रादिवर्धनम् ।
त्रिसंध्यं यः पठेन्नित्यं स हि स्वर्गमवाप्नुयात् ॥९॥
॥ इति वसिष्ठ विरचितं दारिद्र्यदहनशिवस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥
Significance Of Daridra Dahan Shiv Stotram
shiv Daridra Dahan Stotra goes into detail about how Lord Shiva is the god of all the gods, and the glory of Lord Shiva is to be bold and merciful to the devotees.
The features of Shivas' body, face, and everything are covered in the hymn. Lord Shiva is vividly mentioned in the hymn as the dear to Lord Rama and to other deities.
Daridra Dahan Stotra is one of the best ways to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva, you need to make sure that you know the meaning of the hymn to get the most out of the stotra without the meaning of the stotra the effects will not be at the best.
Benefits Of Daridra Dahan Shiv Stotra
The Daridra dukh dahan Stotra is dedicated to Lord Shiva to get his blessing and support in life, especially in the financial conditions. If a person recites the hymn 3 times a day, the Lord will be pleased with him and fulfil his or her desires.
To remove all the problems of a person and to make and sustain stability to his financial situation. The hymn is asked to solve the main problem of financial instability.
The Lord is also said to be the removal of anger, hate, and frustration in ourselves.