Namaste Sada Vatsale Mathru Bhoomi is an RSS prayer which was first sung by Pracharak named Yadav Rahul Joshi. It was first sung on 23 April 1940 in Shiksha varg at Pune.
It was written in the Sanskrit language by Narhari Narain Bhide who was guided by the other leaders, Dr KB Hedgewar and Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar. This prayer is sung compulsorily in every function organised by the sang.

Namaste Sada Vatsale Mathru Bhoomi
- No. of Pages : 4 Pages
- PDF Size : 1.31 MB
- Language : Hindi
Namaste Sada Vatsale Mathru Bhoomi
namaste sadā vatsale mātṛbhūme
tvayā hindubhūme sukhaṁ vardhitoham
mahāmaṅgale puṇyabhūme tvadarthe
patatveṣa kāyo namaste namaste ||
prabho śaktiman hindurāṣṭrāṅgabhūtā
ime sādaraṁ tvāṁ namāmo vayam
tvadīyāya kāryāya badhdā kaṭīyaṁ
śubhāmāśiṣaṁ dehi tatpūrtaye
ajayyāṁ ca viśvasya dehīśa śaktiṁ
suśīlaṁ jagadyena namraṁ bhavet
śrutaṁ caiva yatkaṇṭakākīrṇa mārgaṁ
svayaṁ svīkṛtaṁ naḥ sugaṁ kārayet ||
paraṁ sādhanaṁ nāma vīravratam
tadantaḥ sphuratvakṣayā dhyeyaniṣṭhā
hṛdantaḥ prajāgartu tīvrāniśam
vijetrī ca naḥ saṁhatā kāryaśaktir
vidhāyāsya dharmasya saṁrakṣaṇam
paraṁ vaibhavaṁ netumetat svarāṣṭraṁ
samarthā bhavatvāśiśā te bhṛśam ||
नमस्ते सदा वत्सले मातृभूमे!
नमस्ते सदा वत्सले मातृभूमे
त्वया हिन्दुभूमे सुखं वर्धितोऽहम् ।
महामंगले पुण्यभूमे त्वदर्थे
पतत्वेष कायो नमस्ते नमस्ते ॥१॥
प्रभो शक्तिमन् हिन्दुराष्ट्रांगभूता
इमे सादरं त्वां नमामो वयम्
त्वदीयाय कार्याय बद्धा कटीयम्
शुभामाशिषं देहि तत्पूर्तये ।
अजय्यां च विश्वस्य देहीश शक्तिम्
सुशीलं जगद् येन नम्रं भवेत्
श्रुतं चैव यत् कण्टकाकीर्णमार्गम्
स्वयं स्वीकृतं नः सुगंकारयेत् ॥२॥
समुत्कर्ष निःश्रेयसस्यैकमुग्रम्
परं साधनं नाम वीरव्रतम्
तदन्तः स्फुरत्वक्षया ध्येयनिष्ठा
हृदन्तः प्रजागर्तु तीव्राऽनिशम् ।
विजेत्री च नः संहता कार्यशक्तिर्
विधायास्य धर्मस्य संरक्षणम्
परं वैभवं नेतुमेतत् स्वराष्ट्रम्
समर्था भवत्वाशिषा ते भृशम् ॥३॥
॥ भारत माता की जय ॥
Significance of Namaste Sada Vatsale Matribhume
The significance of the Hindi prayer Namaste Sada Vatsale play is rooted in Bharat Bhumi. The lyrics of this prayer are sung to the lover of the birthplace Bharat. Those who sing the prayer of greeting the children of this country and thank them for fighting against their rivals and enemies.
They are also thanking the soldiers who are fighting on the borders and keeping Bharat safe, despair shows how committed and prepared the soldiers are for their country.
Those singing the prayers are also appreciating the modesty and the path soldiers go through for the sake of their country. They are also being appreciated for their bravery and the feeling of oneness towards India.
RSS is Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh it is an organisation which is dedicated to resurgence and global peace in India. They are great believers and appreciate the soldiers and those who are working in the favour of the country.
Hence, this prayer is a way of thanking all of the people working for the growth and development of the country.
Benefits of Namaste Sada Vatsale Matribhume
Any person being a follower of RSS or a member of RSS can understand the concept of Namaste Sada Vatsale Mathrubhumi prayer regardless of the religion, caste and creed.
It directs the citizens of the country to put their country first. Since the prayer debate how someone who thinks against the country is an enemy of the country.
Hence this prayer teaches us the significance of our country and our responsibility towards it.